Sunday, May 31, 2009

Free Online Web 2.0 Apps instead of offline expensive apps!

Check out this list of free online applications that can substitute expensive applications that you have to buy and/or download! Here is a list with the normal expensive application and the free online alternative!

Check them out!

Microsoft Office - Google Docs

Microsoft PowerPoint - Preezo

Adobe Photoshop - Splashup

Adobe Illustrator - Aviary

Adobe Flash - Ajax Animator

Instant Messenger Clients - Meebo

Camtasia - ScreenToaster

Windows Movie Maker - Jaycut

Quicken - Mint

Fax Software - FaxZero

Adobe Acrobat - PDF Escape

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Amazing AS2 Effect!!!

Check out this amazing effect!

This is a very simple but effective ActionScript 2 effect. All that we need for this is:
-A Name or Text

Not much huh? Well lets get to it!

First start off by making a new file. You can use the default size (550x400) but for a better effect change the background to black. 

Now draw a circle without a boarder. Change the height and width (properties panel) to something like 5px by 5px (that's what I used). 

Convert that circle to a movie clip (F8). It doesn't matter what you call it, don't instance it.

Now select that movie clip with the circle and open up the Actions panel (F9). Once in the actions panel paste this code:

onClipEvent (load) {
x00 = _x;
y00 = _y;
MAAI = 400;}
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {




[Don't paste this or below]

Now that we have our movie clip with our action script, its time to create our art! (Name or text or drawing or whatever you might think of)

Select your circle and duplicate it (CTRL+D). This may take some time... 

Make your name, a drawing or whatever by duplicating your circles, that way that your actionscript will be on all of them.  When you test your movie (CTRL+ENTER) it should look like mine.

If you don't really get it so well you can download my source code here:


Monday, May 18, 2009

HTML/Javascript Trick! Printing Trick!

Does your website contain something that you might want your users to print? Some users might find it hard to print a webpage or image. So with this script you can make it super easy for all of the people that view your webpage to print it. This script will make a Javascript Alert asking the user if they want to print. An example can be found here.

The script is:


You can of course change what the alert will say by changing the text in between the quotations.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Newgrounds Username Variable for use in your games/movies!

If you have already published games/movies to newgrounds then this is something that you must add. It makes your games and movies way cooler and look more professional.

Newgrounds just added a function where your .swf file can recognize what user is playing your file.. Newgrounds automatically loads the username into your movie so the only thing you need to do is call it. The variable that NG loads is: _root.ng_username

Note that this only works if the user is logged in. So you have to make an if statement to see if the user is logged in.
An example is:

if (_root.ng_username == null)
textBox.text = "Hello there, how are you?";
textBox.text = "Hey, " + _root.ng_username + " how are you!";

This would make the textbox instanced 'textBox' show Hello there, how are you if the user is not logged in and it would show Hey exampleusername, how are you?

Flash Achievments Test

I was surfing the net trying to find good games and noticed that many games now have their own in-game achievement system. So I tried making my own version of achievments... You can try my attempt to make achievments here

What I simply did is I made a movie clip with two dynamic text boxes. And when a user does a specified action it makes the movie clip play and sends two variables to to the text boxes and it makes a movie-clip saying what achievment they did

If you would like the source code or explanation feel free to email me at: