Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WoW DNS UnBlock

If you are starting to have problems connecting to the servers of www.worldofwarcraft.com or www.blizzard.com then it might be because your ISP or the network is blocking those servers. A quick fix that works (at least worked for me!) is to change the servers to IP addresses.  To do this, go to your WoW program files folder. In there open realmlist.wtf with Notepad, writepad or Notepadd++ and find these lines:

set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com
set patchlist us.version.worldofwarcraft.com

 Now change them to this:

set realmlist 
set patchlist

 If your ISP or network was blocking via DNS then this should fix your WoW and you should be able to connect! 

If you are still having problems because it is blocked I would recomment trying to re-route your connection through a VPN such as UltraVPN.

Monday, March 22, 2010



XDrive is the ultimate Windows organization tool!
XDrive will let create unlimited virtual hard drives that can direct to any folder which you choose!

For Example:
Say your School folder is located in:
L:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\School09-2010
Instead of having to type all that, you could simple go to

With XDrive you can turn any long path into a simple and easy to access virtual hard drive
Have one for your games, school files, pictures, videos, the only limit is your imagination!

Download File

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Slide Tweet!

Slide Tweet

Slide Tweet is the new way to tweet!
This handy application will make tweeting much easier!

With Slide Tweet you'll be able to tweet from any application!*

Just type in your login info and start
Download File

*restrictions apply

Window Hider 2.0!

Window Hider 2.0!

This is the new and ultimate version of the Window Hider!

With the Window Hider you easily hide your currently active window just by pressing CTRL+SPACE!

Press it once to hide the window!
Press it again to re-show the window!
Download File