Friday, June 24, 2011

National High School Gaming Academy @ Carnegie Mellon University

It has been a while since I last blogged, so I am deciding to do something a little bit different. For the next 6 weeks I am going to be attending the NHSGA over at Carnegie Mellon University. It is a Pre-College summer camp in Pittsburgh where attendees get to explore the video game industry and the skills needed to be successful in it. They teach Game Art, Design, and Programming. I am attending the camp with a focus on video game programming, but all three will be taught.

Today I board a plane to Pittsburgh and stay overnight there, because tomorrow is the registration day. I have everything ready and packed. Well everything besides my laptop, given that I'm posting this. After this I will pack the laptop and get ready to head to the airport. Hopefully my next post will be from the campus at Carnegie Mellon.

I will try to keep up with my blog on what's going on @ Carnegie Mellon. My camp activities, as well as programming progress.